Jennifer Christal David Best Career Counselor Guide in Nashik

Jennifer David.

Jennifer is a young and aspiring psychologist, with a bachelor's degree in the field of psychology already in the bag and currently pursuing Masters degree for the same. She has always been an ardent reader and writer, spending days upon days on reading up just about anything interesting that she could find, ranging from fictional stories and space travel logs to psychology journals and articles on how to save the planet. Any inspirations received from her reading would directly translate into her several writing projects, be it short stories or unfinished essays. When not reading or writing, you can find her unleashing her creativity through artistic endeavours consisting of abstract drawings, mandalas and lettering. Her interests also lie in being exposed to different cultures from taking in foreign visual/auditory contents to learning different languages such as Korean or Thai. She also invests her time in social work, having worked for a short while at the local animal shelter and being an active volunteer-member of the Parkinson's Society NGO. She's always ready for debates and discussions about the current and important topics pertaining to the world around us. Having a knack for organising and coordinating, you can usually find her behind the curtains, directing the play. Often described as friendly and a happy go lucky girl, she is a very much welcoming presence. 

Jennifer Christal David  [B A in Psychology]
Best Career Counselor in Nashik
#2 Matrudarshan Aprt, Opp Vasant Market
Canada Corner Nashik 422005  India
Mob : 8698442505


  1. These areas and more are applied to training that prepares students to help people make life adjustments. change your career


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